Triflex ProPark Service Deck

A PMMA system designed specifically for use on vehicle service decks
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Triflex ProPark Service Deck is a heavy duty, thick layer, fully reinforced waterproofing and surfacing system for vehicle service decks over occupied premises and high risk service decks subject to significant structural movement and associated cracking. Service decks are subject to weight and shear forces of up to 38 tonnes and the waterproofing can suffer potential damage from tail lifts, compactors, skips, cages etc.

The Triflex service deck waterproofing solution combines our fully reinforced asphalt overlay technology with resins designed to be overlaid with a sacrificial wearing course at up to 250°C. The build-up has been proven on UK shopping centre service decks for more than 15 years and allows the asphalt to be used solely as a sacrificial wearing layer.

System highlights

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Dynamic crack bridging, fully reinforced membrane

Triflex are the car park waterproofing and surfacing experts. Featuring resins with enhanced elastomeric properties and high tensile strength reinforcement fleece, we deliver a totally waterproof solution designed specifically to accommodate movement and cracking within structures.

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Tough and durable protection

Exceptional long term durability with a sacrificial wearing layer designed solely to deal with shear forces, impacts and to protect the underlying waterproofing.

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Asphalt overlay

Historically many vehicle service decks have been protected with traditional asphalt coverings which over time progressively fail. With more than 35 years experience of directly overlaying in excess of 2 million m² of failed asphalt car park environments, Triflex ProPark is the industry-leading solution. In fact, whatever the substrate, Triflex can provide an overlay solution that performs.

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Tried and tested

Triflex ProPark Service Deck offers a complete waterproofing solution for new-build and refurbishment projects that will last for years to come. The system is not only certified and tested to the highest UK and European standards, it has also been successfully installed for more than 20 years in projects across the UK.

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Rapid curing

Exceptionally fast curing, Triflex enables service decks to remain open during installation, limiting access restrictions and unnecessary disruptions. Installation can be carried out all year round and the system still cures quickly at temperatures down to 0°C.

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Phased completion

Areas can be completed section by section with seamless continuity allowing the service deck to remain open during works.

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Safety and environmental

Our solvent and isocyanate free resin technology has been assessed under BREEAM principles and can contribute to A+ ratings, and to minimise environmental impact the majority of the components are supplied in recyclable bulk containers. The system is compatible with virtually all substrates allowing the existing failed or failing membrane to be directly overlaid instead of being removed, significantly reducing waste, time and cost.

ProPark Service Deck

Application areas

  • Vehicle service decks and ramps over occupied spaces
  • High risk vehicle service decks and ramps subject to significant levels of structural movement and cracking

Compatible substrates

  • Concrete, concrete repair materials and screeds
  • Asphalt and polymer modified asphalt
  • Existing membranes
  • Steel
  • Structural plastics
  • Timber

Suitable constructions

  • Cast in situ concrete
  • Permanent formwork with in situ concrete
  • Precast concrete planks with or without structural topping
  • Precast double tee units with or without structural topping
  • Temporary / demountable (steel / galvanised steel / structural plastic / timber) constructions
  • Insulated / warm deck build-ups

System variants

Triflex ProPark Service Deck

Triflex ProPark Service Deck is a heavy duty, fully reinforced waterproofing and surfacing system for use beneath a sacrificial asphalt wearing layer on vehicle service decks.
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Resin colour

Triflex ProPark Service Deck is available 7032 Pebble grey.

Triflex ProTerra Buried colour card
ProPark Service Deck

Ramp application

Triflex ProPark Service Deck is also the ideal solution to waterproof and surface vehicle service decks and ramps subject to significant heavy traffic, structural movement, and cracking. The build-up has been proven on use UK shopping centre service decks for more than 15 years and allows the asphalt to be used solely as a sacrificial wearing layer.

Require an on-site survey or quote?

All installations are carried out by our network of Triflex Authorised Contracting Partners. If you have a project we can provide a free no obligation on-site survey and can put you in touch with local Triflex contractors in your area that will be able to provide you with a quote.

To organise your free on-site survey you can either complete our project enquiry form or contact your local Business Development Manager, who will be more than happy to discuss your requirements.

Triflex Authorised Contracting Partners can place orders by calling 01785 819119 or emailing

Project enquiry


ETA logo

Fully certified to the highest UK and European standards and classifications, including:

ETAG 005 certified (reinforced waterproofing membrane)

  • 25 year expected working life

Root and Rhizome resistant (reinforced waterproofing membrane):

  • FLL Certified: Root and Rhizome resistant

Fire performance

  • EN 13501-1

Manufacturer certification

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management
  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management
  • ISO 50001 Energy Management

Take a look at Triflex in action

Looking for support?

Delivering solutions together, that's our motto. If you require any support, have an upcoming project or just a general enquiry then please don't hesitate to get in touch, we're always happy to help.