Waverley Station, Edinburgh

Roof and walkways refurbishment
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Edinburgh’s Waverley station is located in the heart of the city. The Victorian station was first opened in 1846 and is noted for its impressive roofs and glass dome. With listed building status, it is of architectural and historic interest.

The challenge

Before shots of Waverley Station in Edinburgh before Triflex works

A Triflex cold, liquid applied seamless waterproofing solution was specified to overlay the existing mastic asphalt roof areas. The area included work over station offices and smaller roofs over plant rooms, lift shafts and the retail concourse with its glass cupola. A section of the roof also lies beneath the North Bridge that carries traffic over the station building.

The shelter beneath this bridge and the heat generated by the air conditioning, made it popular with roosting pigeons, which resulted in a heavy deposit of guano.

The solution

Triflex waterproofing completed works on Waverley Station in Edinburgh

Prior to the overlay, the asphalt was sanitised to remove the guano prior to the commencement of any works. Preparation and overlay of the mastic asphalt substrate coincided with a reminder that winter was yet to leave Scotland. The next few weeks saw snow, sleet, rain and strong winds which served to hinder progress.

Triflex ProTect is rainproof in just 30 minutes and cures quickly, even at 0°C. This enabled works to continue throughout the winter, despite the cold weather conditions. The sheltered roofs beneath the North Bridge provided substantial shelter in which to work during the very worst of the weather.

The Triflex solution incorporated Triflex anti-slip walkways for maintenance traffic with walkways clearly defined by colour for safe passage.

Following a suspension to work during the summer period, the total roof area of 2,800m² was completed in the autumn, to the satisfaction of all parties.


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