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301 Total Downloads
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Heavy duty, semi-flexible mortar for asphalt and other substrates.

Product data sheet

Flexible and compressible sealer / filler for joints.

Product data sheet
179.42 KB

Cleaner for glass substrates prior to application of Triflex Glass Primer

Product data sheet
678.19 KB

Primer for glass substrates where adhesion cannot be achieved.

Product data sheet
195.83 KB

Used as a liquid thickening / thixotropic agent for addition to Triflex PMMA products.

Product data sheet
197.49 KB

Primer for metal and other substrates.

Product data sheet
390.83 KB

Decorative chips used as part of the Triflex Chips Design Finish.

Product data sheet
166.9 KB

Used as a powdered thickening / thixotropic agent for addition to Triflex products.

Product data sheet
190.8 KB

Primer for cementitious substrates

Product data sheet
815.82 KB

Detail waterproofing resin used with Triflex 110g Reinforcement Fleece.

Product data sheet
201.2 KB

Triflex ProDetail standard CAD details, including all finish options.

CAD details
33.32 MB

Triflex ProDetail is the proven, reliable solution for the fast and easy seamless waterproofing of virtually all details, including upstands, gutters, cut edge corrosion and roof penetrations.

System overview
5.69 MB

Triflex ProDetail colour card

Colour card
126.83 KB

BBA Certificate 13/5051 Sheet 4
