Sustainability policy

We see sustainability as our duty to the generations of today and tomorrow and have made the idea of sustainability an integral part of our corporate strategy. We associate financial success with an awareness of economic, ecological and social responsibility. We also adhere to the sustainability guidelines of the chemical industry in Germany and follow the Responsible Care guidelines of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI).

Within our company, we employ an integrated management system according to ISO 9001 to ensure we comply with the laws, official regulations and requirements for plant and product safety.

We set ourselves binding targets as part of a continuous improvement process. We check on an annual basis whether we are on course to meet these targets and make adjustments where necessary. We make the information and resources needed to achieve these targets available. It is the duty of each and every member of staff to do his utmost in his area and role to help us implement our sustainability policy.


As a family-owned SME, the Group pursues a long-term corporate strategy on which all involved can rely. Two fundamental elements of our strategy are to maintain and improve competitiveness and to safeguard jobs.

We invest heavily in research and development, and this creates added value for the economy and industry. We promote a long-term approach to success. We are not under any obligation to optimise returns in the short-term.


Environmental protection is high on the list of priorities within our group. Our goal is to constantly improve our in-house environmental protection activities in the interests of achieving environmentally responsible corporate development. We operate a comprehensive in-house environmental management system, which is certified to ISO 14001.


We use energy responsibly and are increasing our energy efficiency through a process of continuous improvement, with the aid of an energy management system subject to the ISO 50001. We invest in modern, energy-efficient technologies.


Our products help our customers to achieve their sustainability targets as well. When developing products we take into consideration aspects such as resource-conservation, energy-saving and the reduction of environmental pollution during manufacture and throughout the entire product life cycle.

We are as sparing as possible with raw materials, water and other manufacturing resources.


The health and safety of our staff are very important to us. Thus "Health and Safety" forms an integral part of our management system and we place emphasis on a high level of safety in the operation of our systems.

To avoid environmentally damaging incidents, we have put in place preventive measures at organisational, personnel and technical levels as part of our internal alarm and hazard prevention plan. Its purpose is to reduce or prevent risks and, in the event of an incident, to effectively limit the effects on humans and the environment.

We set the highest standards for the safety of our products and support our customers in the safe and environmentally friendly use of our products. We also inform customers of the risks associated with their use.


We engender trust in our business activities by communicating openly and respectfully with our customers, staff, shareholders and suppliers as well as with the authorities, our neighbours and the wider public.

We inform all of our staff about sustainability measures and energy-related matters; we motivated them to be responsible at work and we nurture an awareness for the environment, energy and safety.

We publish a sustainability report each year, informing staff, customers, authorities and the general public on the various topics related to the matter.

Social commitment

We value diversity within our staff and our HR decisions are free from bias or prejudice based on background religion, gender, age or disability.

We offer young people a wide variety of training opportunities to an appropriate extent, to help them take their first step on the career ladder.

We offer our employees development opportunities, giving general and specific training courses.

We provide various models of working hours where possible in operational terms, and this supports the family commitments of our staff.

Our Code of Conduct is a comprehensive, binding rule book governing the behaviour of our employees both inside and outside the company.

03.2020 - Paul Barker, Director